Country : UK
Industry : Water & Utilities
Remote Data Collection Utility application was actually used to collect data directly from the data logging devices, where reading was picked up by the reader device and an integrated data application was built across this which interacted with central database to update the data on hourly basis. This data update was based on Dynamic Database Design.
System Highlights
Industry : Water & Utilities
Remote Data Collection Utility application was actually used to collect data directly from the data logging devices, where reading was picked up by the reader device and an integrated data application was built across this which interacted with central database to update the data on hourly basis. This data update was based on Dynamic Database Design.
System Highlights
- It is fully automated with 24/7 support
- The application reads the encypted data then decrypt it and sends to the centralised server.
- Then the data is readily available to the user in different formats on multiple computers.
- Different types of charts like LINE, PIE, COMPLEX chart which will give user better understanding of data and also allows comparing data.
- Data is readily available to user to export in CSV, EXCEL, PDF & to the format needed for any bespoke applications.
- Automated backup system which runs round the clock avoiding any downtime.
- The data is held at different server locations including FTP server.